Raising Your Helping Hands

A Better Humanity is Possible

What We Do


GoldPrime Organisation Nigeria (GPON) employs a comprehensive and multidimensional approach to peacebuilding, which is articulated through various frameworks, documents, and agencies. GPON Peacebuilding model seeks to prevent the recurrence of conflict and to support the recovery and development of communities affected by violence and instability. GPON have a set of principles aimed at actualizing peacebuilding in conflict zones in Nigeria. These are highlighted subsequently.


Conflict Analysis.   Understanding the root causes, dynamics, and actors involved in a conflict is a fundamental step. GPON conducts comprehensive conflict analyses to identify the key drivers of the conflict and inform the design of peacebuilding strategies.


Gender Mainstreaming. Gender considerations are integrated into all aspects of peacebuilding, recognizing the unique needs and roles of women and girls in the northeastern conflict areas of Nigeria. GPON promotes women's participation in peace processes and addresses gender-based violence.


Monitoring and Evaluation. GPON continually monitors and evaluates the impact of peacebuilding activities, adjusting strategies as necessary to ensure they remain effective and responsive to changing circumstances.


Conflict Prevention. In addition to post-conflict peacebuilding, GPON places a strong emphasis on conflict prevention to address underlying grievances and prevent the outbreak or recurrence of conflict.


International Cooperation. GPON works in collaboration with numerous international organizations, such as the European Union, and other international partners to ensure a coordinated and effective approach to peacebuilding.


Integrated Approach. GPON adopts an integrated approach that brings together different GPON entities and international partners to coordinate her efforts. This approach ensures that political, security, development, and humanitarian dimensions are considered holistically.


Inclusivity and Ownership. GPON promotes the active participation and ownership of local communities and national authorities in the peacebuilding process. This includes engaging with a wide range of stakeholders, including fellow civil society organizations, women, youth, and marginalized groups.


Strategic Planning. GPON continually develops strategic peacebuilding plans in consultation with the state Government, kings, palace chiefs and the local heads of the host states. GPON focuses on key priority areas such as governance, security sector reform, rule of law, social and economic development, and reconciliation.


Rule of Law. Promoting the rule of law is a cornerstone of GPON peacebuilding efforts. This includes supporting justice and legal institutions, as well as efforts to combat impunity and promote accountability for human rights violations.


Security Sector Reform (SSR). GPON helps reform and rebuild security institutions to make them more accountable, professional, and responsive to the needs of the population. This includes training, capacity building, and disarmament, demobilization, and reintegration (DDR) programs.


Economic Recovery and Development. GPON peacebuilding involves efforts to kickstart economic recovery, promote job creation, and foster sustainable development. This include infrastructure development, vocational training, and support for small and medium-sized enterprises.


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A better humanity is possible

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