Positioning for better implementation - Our Commitment to Resilience

Positioning for better implementation - Our Commitment to Resilience

We are thrilled to share that our Country Director, Dr. Christopher Chinedumuije, recently participated in a pivotal Multi-Year Resilience Programme (MYRP II) proposal development consultation meeting held at the United Nations House in Abuja. This high-level meeting brought together key stakeholders, including representatives from Education Cannot Wait partner agencies and the Honorable Commissioners for Education and Human Capital Development of the BAY States, to address the pressing issue of maintaining quality education in conflict zones, particularly in Northeast Nigeria.


The consultation was a critical platform for discussing innovative and effective strategies to ensure that education continues despite the numerous challenges posed by ongoing conflicts. The dialogue centered around creating resilient education systems that can withstand and adapt to the adverse conditions experienced in conflict-affected regions. This collaborative effort underscores the importance of partnerships and collective action in tackling the educational disruptions caused by conflict.



Our Country Director emphasized the need for continuous support and innovative solutions to reach children and young people whose education has been disrupted by conflict. By working closely with local and international partners, we aim to create a safe and conducive learning environment for all learners.


Education is a fundamental right and a powerful tool for building resilience and hope among young people in conflict zones. Through initiatives like the MYRP II, we are working to ensure that no child is left behind. By providing access to quality education, we can empower learners, support communities, and contribute to long-term peace and development.


A better humanity is possible

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